Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Changing Face of VIdeo Games

I think there are many benefits to 'exergames'. For example, they help you get a bit of exercise while having fun, rather than sitting on your bum all day with a simple controller, and from experience, sometimes these games can give you a real workout.

I feel that sometimes, these 'games' may not even be games at all. To me, a game is an activity where you enjoy an activity that has some competition between two or more parties. Some 'games', like those where you do yoga, I wouldn't consider games because their more for a person's well-being rather than competing with others, while games like Wii Sports, I would consider games because though you are physically involved, you can have a friendly competition with others.

I think that it all depends on who's playing the game to classify whether it's a game or not. I mean, everyone is entertained in a different way, or in other words, whatever floats your boat!


At January 28, 2010 at 7:38 PM , Blogger Allan Razon, said...

I agree Camela, games these days have evolved significantly throughout the years. Game producers, have made games not into games anymore, more into exercise machines. I absoulutely agree with you. Games are activities that require competition amongst others. Games made these days have turned into games that are not. I truly agree with your response.

At April 25, 2010 at 9:11 AM , Blogger Shanika said...

I think that videos games have changed and are becoming huge impacts on peoples everyday lives. It is true that people are now spending hours on games, which is taking away the amount of time they could spend doing an outdoor activities.

The Wii Fit is allowing you to exercise in a game mode. I do understand that the positive affect of it is to help exercise but it then completely takes people away from the typical jogging, and etc.

Hopefully, people do understand eventually how these games are impacting them, and plan on cutting down their hours of spending on them.

At June 4, 2010 at 7:34 AM , Blogger Marc Aaron said...

I think there are many benefits to 'exergames'. For example, they help you get a bit of exercise while having fun, rather than sitting on your bum all day with a simple controller, and from experience, sometimes these games can give you a real workout.

AGREED. Nintendo wii is probably the only example and truly is the best, i would encourage others to buy a wii and play any game all day, guaranteed you'll get a workout!

At June 4, 2010 at 8:34 AM , Blogger Lawrence C. said...

I'm kind of half and half on exercise games. They so get you active, but then again, you have to look at the quality of the games. For example, Wii Fit does get you moving, but they don't physically exert you as much as actual exercise. But now, you can actually cheat on them.

Also, on the topic of the comment above, The Wii does get you active, but the majority of their games from third parties are just ways to cash in on the motion sensor gimmick. The Wii is actually losing prominence because Nintendo doesn't try to get quality games out as much anymore.

At June 7, 2010 at 9:41 PM , Blogger _| |_ said...

I agree, these shouldn't even be considered games bt rather "applications". On the wii these things should be free in my opinion so that everyone can enjoy it to the fullest and still get the real games they want.


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